Sales models for two housing developers.

Earlier this month we delivered two housing models to different developers on the same day. We’d actually finished both models a few weeks earlier but neither client had their marketing suite set up so they asked us to store the models until they were ready on site. Both marketing suites were completed in early August and, whilst we deliver projects all over the UK, on this occasion the sites were less than 40 miles apart so it made sense to deliver them on the same day. We produce at least a dozen of these residential sales models every year alongside industrial and display models of all types for a variety of different marketing requirements.

Five models reflecting Atkins involvement in the London Olympic Park











Designed and built for Atkins Engineers, this group of five interactive models was commissioned to reflect Atkins' huge involvement in the construction of the London Olympic Park. Each model highlights a particular aspect of the unglamorous but essential engineering work Atkins carried out at the site, from creating an artificial level surface for the equestrian event, to installing fundamental infrastructure such as bridges, water supplies and drainage. One of the models, which incorporates scrolling LED messages and allows the operator to lift a table tennis ball into the air by controlling a fan, conveys how Atkins designed complex climate control systems to "engineer" the air in many of the park's specialist sporting venues. The models were used initially at an exhibition event linked with the start of the Olympics but will subsequently be displayed in the reception areas of Atkins' main offices around the UK. There is also a plan to export one of the models to the Middle East. .

Four models with interactive lighting features













This group of models was commissioned by the Cardiff University School of Engineering for their stand at the Royal Academy of Engineering Summer Soiree. The models were used to highlight the university’s extensive research in the field of geo-engineering (underground engineering), covering areas such as nuclear waste containment, ground source heating and other underground activities. The models represent cut-away views of the earth’s strata, using different coloured LEDs to illustrate the various processes happening in the layers of rock and sediments. The lights, which were activated by labelled buttons on top of the models, had to recreate several different effects, including linear flows, pulsing, slow fades, changing colours, random flashing, and some complex, timed sequences.

Life-size Display models for grass protection system.










We’re proud to say that much of our business is from repeat customers and this is one such example. We made a display model for the client last year and they were so pleased with it they came back to us for two more. The company produces grass stabilisation and reinforcement systems and needed some 3D mock ups of how these systems worked to take to trade shows and exhibitions. The first one proved so useful they were delighted to order these new models for use at this year’s shows. All the models were designed to break down for easy transportation.

Three 1:20 scale industrial transformer models completed for export











We actually completed these models last month, a week ahead of schedule and they are now about to head off abroad, two to China and one to Brazil. They are part of an order for four identical 1:20 scale models, the first of which was completed and delivered before Christmas. If you click on the images to enlarge them, you’ll be able to see the high level of detail we can achieve at this large scale (the models are over a metre long). We made a similar model for the client over a year ago and it generated such a positive response from their overseas colleagues that they’ve come back to us for more.

Our Latest Projects | Modelmakers | Architectural Models

They’re like busses!

You know how it is, you don’t get a warehouse model for ages then two come along at once. We’d only just started our previous very large warehouse model when this project came in from a completely unrelated client. Although this building was a lot smaller, the overall spec was very similar in that it too had to have a cut-away roof to show the internal automated pallet retrieval and return system. Because the building was smaller we were able to use a larger scale than the previous project (1:200 instead of 1:300) which allows us to show a slightly higher level of detail for the internal components – and made them marginally less fiddly to produce!

New client commissions first sales model.

After a run of industrial models we were happy to return to our roots with an architectural sales model for a nationwide house builder. This project was for their upmarket division who hadn’t traditionally used sales models in their marketing suites but wanted to “give it a try” for this compact development of detached executive homes in the north of England. Time will tell but hopefully they’ll discover, like our regular housing clients, what an effective sales tool these models can be and will come back to us for further models in the not too distant future.

Ancient monument laser-cut and engraved from solid Ash wood.

This small scale, stylised architectural model was commissioned as part of a test project for a new educational play scheme for young children. The client wanted a simplified representation of this ancient monument in a pale coloured wood so we suggested laser cutting and engraving out of solid ash would be a suitable option. The main photo shows the 800mm long model photoshopped into a desert setting which is the context it will be used in. The smaller photos show the two sides of the model and a close up detail. You can click on the photos to enlarge them.

Educational models for two different clients.

We’ve produced a few house section models, or what might be termed “dolls house” models, over the last few years but they don’t come up very often so it was quite a coincidence when two unrelated clients ordered these very similar models within a few weeks of each other towards the end of last year. Both models were to be used as educational aids; one for a London based university and the other for a South coast county council. We delivered the models earlier this month and both clients were delighted with the finished results.

Fourth model this year for national developer.

One of the UK’s largest housing developers has come back to us again for a 4th sales model this year. They’ve been coming to us for many years for their sales models because of the consistent high quality and value we deliver every time. This model was particularly challenging because of the steep topography of the site which meant that virtually every plot was on a different level. As a sales tool it was important that we accurately modelled every step, retaining wall and embankment across the site so that purchasers could easily understand the levels and contours around whichever house they were looking to buy.