New client commissions first sales model.

After a run of industrial models we were happy to return to our roots with an architectural sales model for a nationwide house builder. This project was for their upmarket division who hadn’t traditionally used sales models in their marketing suites but wanted to “give it a try” for this compact development of detached executive homes in the north of England. Time will tell but hopefully they’ll discover, like our regular housing clients, what an effective sales tool these models can be and will come back to us for further models in the not too distant future.

Fourth model this year for national developer.

One of the UK’s largest housing developers has come back to us again for a 4th sales model this year. They’ve been coming to us for many years for their sales models because of the consistent high quality and value we deliver every time. This model was particularly challenging because of the steep topography of the site which meant that virtually every plot was on a different level. As a sales tool it was important that we accurately modelled every step, retaining wall and embankment across the site so that purchasers could easily understand the levels and contours around whichever house they were looking to buy.

Third project this year for South of England developer.

As with the previous post, this is one of three sales models we’ve produced this year for another of our regular clients who keep coming back to us for high quality sales models for their marketing suites. This model was at 1:150 scale which is the ideal scale option for smaller housing developments. Larger developments typically need to be at 1:200 scale or even 1:250 scale just to keep the model base to a manageable size. We were planning to post photos of all three projects this month but two of the almost completed models have gone on hold at the last minute due to some late design changes on site. It’s probably going to be a couple of months before the other two models can be fully completed but hopefully we’ll be able to post finished pics towards the end of this year.

1:250 scale sales model updated.

We recently added a new phase of houses to this very large sales model. The overall site model was originally completed in August 2020 but only the south part of the site had detailed houses because the north phase was still at design stage. To minimise the time the model was away from the sales office we made all the buildings in advance in our workshop before collecting the model to update the landform. This is something we’ve done quite often when a client is marketing a development in phased stages. Unfortunately because the model had to be returned to site as soon as possible we only got time to photograph it in our workshop, so the photos aren’t the best.

Large illuminated model for marketing suite.

We recently completed this illuminated sales model for a Thames-side housing development in East London. At approx. 2m x 1.4m it is a larger than usual model but the client had allowed plenty of space for it as a centrepiece of their on-site marketing suite. The lighting effects include the option to light up four separate phases individually, controlled by the buttons visible on the front edge of the model. If you click on the right inset image above to enlarge it you can see the high level of detail we can achieve, even at 1:250 scale which is the smallest scale option suitable for this type of sales model.