Sales models for two housing developers.

Earlier this month we delivered two housing models to different developers on the same day. We’d actually finished both models a few weeks earlier but neither client had their marketing suite set up so they asked us to store the models until they were ready on site. Both marketing suites were completed in early August and, whilst we deliver projects all over the UK, on this occasion the sites were less than 40 miles apart so it made sense to deliver them on the same day. We produce at least a dozen of these residential sales models every year alongside industrial and display models of all types for a variety of different marketing requirements.

1:250 scale sales model updated.

We recently added a new phase of houses to this very large sales model. The overall site model was originally completed in August 2020 but only the south part of the site had detailed houses because the north phase was still at design stage. To minimise the time the model was away from the sales office we made all the buildings in advance in our workshop before collecting the model to update the landform. This is something we’ve done quite often when a client is marketing a development in phased stages. Unfortunately because the model had to be returned to site as soon as possible we only got time to photograph it in our workshop, so the photos aren’t the best.

Large illuminated model for marketing suite.

We recently completed this illuminated sales model for a Thames-side housing development in East London. At approx. 2m x 1.4m it is a larger than usual model but the client had allowed plenty of space for it as a centrepiece of their on-site marketing suite. The lighting effects include the option to light up four separate phases individually, controlled by the buttons visible on the front edge of the model. If you click on the right inset image above to enlarge it you can see the high level of detail we can achieve, even at 1:250 scale which is the smallest scale option suitable for this type of sales model.

Fully detailed sales model for the retirement homes sector.

The client for this project got in touch after we were recommended to him by one of our other clients who we’ve worked with for many years. In fact, quite a bit of our work comes via this route and it’s always gratifying to know that our customers are happy to recommend us to other organisations. This model is at 1:150 scale which, as you can see from the photos, allows us to show a high level of architectural detail. It’s an ideal scale choice for mid-sized buildings or compact developments comprising several smaller buildings.

Second model this year for national developer.

Over the last decade we’ve produced several housing models a year for this national house builder and this is the second of three models they’ve ordered this year. They keep coming back to us because they know we always meet deadlines and always produce high quality, accurate models that really help their sales staff do their job. This model is at 1:250 scale which is too small to show a high level of detail but if you click on the images above to enlarge them you’ll see we’re able to show more than enough detail to make the houses, gardens and overall site layout easily understandable. We’re starting the next project for this client later this year.

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This interactive model was commissioned by the NFU as a visual demonstration to farmers of good water management practices on their land. The model shows two different catchments, one illustrating a high risk landscape with poor farming practices and the other showing a low risk landscape where the delivery of good practice minimises risks. The buttons on the front of the model activate LEDs set in the landscape to highlight different aspects of land management practice. The brightly coloured area shows an example of a Scimap, a graphic plan that shows farmers the risk areas across their land.

Cardiff city model relocated to Cardiff Castle.

We’ve just moved our 6.5m x 5.5m model of Cardiff city into the visitor centre at Cardiff Castle, an exciting new venue where it will become part of the organised castle tour. The model is fully interactive with a touch screen interface that provides onscreen information whilst lighting up the relevant building or area on the model. If you click on the left inset pic above you should be able to spot (despite the rain) the profile of the castle’s twelve-sided Norman Keep, one of the finest examples in Wales.

Fully interactive model for Notting Hill Sales.

One of our existing clients recommended our services to Notting Hill Sales which lead to us producing this fully interactive sales model for one of their major developments in London. The interactive element allows touch-screen controlled illumination of individual apartments with floor plans visible on screen and various filter options such as number of beds, aspect, availability, etc. Due to limited space in the marketing suite, we had to use a smaller than usual scale for this type of model which made it much more tricky to build in the wiring and individual apartment lights. The client asked us to create a “ghosted” but recognisable representation of an existing on-site building so our solution was to model it in clear acrylic, but still replicating a lot of the building’s architectural features – you should be able to pick this up in the photos.

…well, an event nearby, at least. .

We were asked to take our 6.5m x 5.5m interactive model of Cardiff up to London for an event that coincided with the London Marathon. As it happened, the venue was very close to the finishing line in Pall Mall which caused all sorts of problems with access for unloading and setting up the model. With some detailed advanced preparations, including advising the police that two white vans and a six man team would be arriving in the area, we were able to overcome all the issues and ensure the model was on site looking its best for the event. Our well-travelled model has been to many different venues including three trips to London and one to Cannes.