Detailed sales model for North London residential development

Sometimes a project turns out to be much trickier than expected and this was definitely the case with this illuminated sales model for a North London residential development. Not only was it on a complex sloping site with lots of surrounding context buildings, it also had heavily articulated elevations composed of many different materials including a very specific range of metallic finishes. The client was very concerned that these finishes should be accurately represented and we spent a lot of time working with the architects creating sample swatches to make sure the colours on the model were as authentic as possible. The requirement for general illumination added further technical complexity to the project but in the end it all came together as planned and the client was delighted with the finished result. In fact we had an email from him with the following comments "We have just been to the agents office to see the model for the first time. It’s fantastic! Thank you so much for all your hard work on this project. I’m sure it will help enormously to sell the units off plan...".

Detailed marketing model for national developer


We’ve made three of these housing development models already this year and we’ve got four more in the pipeline over the next couple of months. 1:200 is an ideal scale for these types of models because it allows us to show a good level of detail but keeps the model reasonably compact, which is important if it’s going into a cramped sales cabin on site. For larger developments with over 100 plots we sometimes have drop down to 1:250 scale, just to keep the model at a manageable size.

Detailed marketing model for retirement development











The developer for this complex group of buildings was aware they needed a realistically detailed 3D model to illustrate how the individual structures formed a linked community of retirement housing. Having been impressed by the quality of work on our website they asked for our proposals and costs for the project. Our solution was this full colour 1:200 scale model which showed plenty of recognisable detail but was compact enough to fit into their sales office. When we delivered the finished model the client emailed straight away with the comments “…can I just say the model of the village looks stunning”. He also commented how much he appreciated the hard work involved in producing such a high quality model.

Marketing model for development at Gloucester Cricket Ground

This large model was commissioned as a marketing tool for a prestigious development of high quality apartments at Gloucestershire County Cricket Ground in Bristol. At 1:100 scale the model was almost 2 metres long and certainly made an eye catching centrepiece for the their marketing suite. The model also features internal illumination and external fibre optic uplighters to give it even more impact. This is actually the second model we have made of this development as we actually produced a smaller scale white model last year to help secure planning permission for the project (link below).

Detailed marketing model on complex sloping site.











This technically demanding project was one of several marketing models we have made recently for national house builder Taylor Wimpey. It was a particularly difficult project because it comprised over 150 units on a steeply sloping site. Many of the houses were split level properties and each plot required accurate modelling of retaining walls, complex access steps, and carefully designed embankments in the gardens. Even though 1:250 is a fairly small scale, if you click on the first image to enlarge it you’ll see the high level of detail we have been able to achieve. The second image shows the model on site in their marketing suite.

Our Latest Projects | Modelmakers | CryoBattery Power station model – 1:150 scale

Industrial model featuring interactive illumination.

Although we specialise in architectural models we also regularly produce high quality industrial models such as this model of a Cryobattery power station which incorporates interactive LED illumination. The CryoBattery system uses renewable sources to compress air in tanks which can later be used to generate power. In effect, it acts as large battery to store energy for when it is most needed. This is very much a stylised representation of the facility with the strong colours being used to indicate different parts of the process. The LED illumination rises slowly upwards to the top of the vessels and then gradually drops down again to represent the “filling up” and “emptying” phases of the CryoBattery facility.

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