Keeping clients happy means repeat business.

Completed just before Christmas, this was the third of three models we produced for the same client last year. We first started working with this client back in 2016 and because we delivered a high quality model at the right price and on schedule they’ve come back to us for 2 or 3 models every year since. We know that keeping customers happy means repeat business and the way we do that is by ensuring every aspect of our service is of the highest quality. We’d welcome the opportunity to become a regular, trusted supplier for your business.

First project delivered after lock down.

We recently delivered this 2.5m long residential sales model back to its marketing suite in Bath after taking it away before the Covid 19 lockdown to add a new phase of detailed buildings. The project went on hold during the height of the pandemic because like many other businesses we had to close down for several weeks due to safety concerns. It was the first big project we completed after reopening the workshop and we have since completed several other smaller projects that also went on hold. You’ll note from the pics above that the model still has a large “empty” area – this is for a third phase which will be added at a later date.

Another high quality marketing model for national house builder.

A major part of our work involves producing sales models for housing developments and this is the latest off the production line for one of our regular clients, a national house builder for whom we’ve created dozens of models over the last 15 years. Typically these types of housing models are at 1:200 scale but because this was a large site with over 350 plots we had to drop down to 1:250 scale to keep the model at a manageable size for the sales office. If you click on the two smaller images to enlarge them you’ll see that there is still plenty of recognisable detail at this small scale so that customers get a clear appreciation of the house and garden they’re considering buying. The model is still awaiting some final details like cars and figures which will be added once the client has checked the model over.